Getting Started


The Less Lawn, More Life Challenge aims to encourage you to transform your yard into more sustainable, climate-smart landscapes by reducing lawn areas and supporting biodiversity.

Over an 8-week period, you will be guided to take action on six key targets, complete eight activations, and contribute to citizen science by making 100+ observations. The ultimate goal is to educate, inform, and inspire a collective shift towards healthier, more eco-friendly outdoor spaces right in your own backyards.


This is the first very important step! Please complete the quick 5 minute survey about your yard. Your individual responses will remain confidential and will be used only for research purposes.

Throughout the Challenge and as you are making changes, please take the time to OBSERVE as much LIFE on your property as possible by taking photos with you phone's camera. To share these moments and contribute to the WILDr Eco-System™ research, simply upload your photos via the iNaturalist app.

  • If you already have an iNaturalist account and the iNat app, search for the Project “Less Lawn, More Life 2024”, join the project, and start uploading your photos. They will automatically “get collected” and you should see them on the Project page after a few minutes.

  • If you are new to iNat, click on the button to the left and follow the instructions to sign up and download the app to your phone. Then follow the same instructions above to join the project.

Join our Less Lawn, More Life Challenge online community! We've created a private Facebook group exclusively for Challenge participants. It's a space where you can:

  • Exchange ideas and ask questions

  • Get support and encouragement from fellow participants

  • Receive tips from our partners and experts

  • Post and comment in a private and supporting environment

  • An alternative place to share photos of your progress and observations

The group is private and you will need to agree to a few group rules when you join.

Look out for weekly activations

You’ll receive an email in your inbox each week with your weekly activation! These are intended to guide you through the challenge and take action, and are hosted by celebrity and influencer ambassadors. Try to do all 8!

Register for bi-weekly webinars

You’ll be invited via email to join biweekly webinars and you will need to register to receive the invitation link.

Share, share,

The more people who participate, the more impact we can make! Tell your neighbors, post on social, and share your excitement with friends.

Take Action on the 6 Targets: Do at least one, but try for more!